Tuesday, 2 September 2014

6.18 Torri's hell

Warning: Adult theme

Torri had been stripped naked and now stood in front of her uncle, “Why did you run my dear?”

She looked at the floor, “I…I wanted my freedom.”

“You turn into a full vampire and you think you have rights? My dear child, you were put in my care and now as my property I can do with you what I want. You were to bring me lots of money, a fresh faced virgin to crack open to whoever would pay the most. However as I understand it you gave that away, is that correct?”
Torri spoke quietly, “Yes.”
“Was this Draco person your first?”

“No Uncle he wasn’t.” Her uncle shook his head, “The ideas you have about love my dear don’t exist. You do realise this, I mean the man I hired to find you proved this by the promise of marriage and because you were so infatuated by the notion, he was able to bring you home to me.”
She glanced at her uncle who smiled at the view in front of him, “Please may I leave.” He just stared at her then asked, “You are damaged goods to me now but I can still sell you to the highest bidder and many men have expressed their interest in you after seeing that body of yours. Now before I start the bidding who was this Draco boy…his surname?”
Torri hated the way he was looking at her. She kept thinking of Draco and how she should have stayed but here she was all alone in her nightmare and her knight in shining armour that once saved her wasn’t coming for her now and she knew it. She would just have to surrender to the life of sex toy to some horrible man who only her uncle would approve of.

“Draco’s surname is Merrick.” The uncle went paler than normal and he started to shake and firmly asked, “What is his father’s name?”
“Blair Merrick.”
“You…you slept with Blair Merrick’s son?”
Suddenly the door swung open and Estevan walked in, he saw Torri naked and terrified. Her uncle stayed frozen to the spot as he watched Estevan walk up to Torri. Estevan handed her some clothes he had brought and turned his back while she changed. 

Torri touched his shoulder so he knew she was done and Estevan turned back to her and asked, “Do you want to stay or leave?”

“I want to leave.”
“Then go out the door and Daphne is waiting.” 

Estevan turned to her uncle and said, “You piece of shit, I warned you if I ever saw you again I would kill you.”
“Estevan, be reasonable…” but Estevan was not in the mood to be reasonable as he walked closer the uncle crapped himself as he begged for forgiveness, “I said I was sorry…”
“You turned Blair into a vampire turned him into a killing machine and it took me years to get him sociable again and the hate to disappear,” 

Estevan threw whatever was to hand just missing him as he continued, “Then you rape women and what were you planning for this young girl, Torri? A life as your sex slave?”
“She’s my niece, I was trying to get payment for her…you know a dowry.”
“You’re a sick man and I have a message for you from Blair come near Torri again or any member of his family and death will be your welcomed alternative.”

Estevan grabbed him and suck his teeth in hard as a warning.
Torri was outside being comforted by Daphne when she heard curdling screams and when Estevan came out she asked, “Is he dead?”

“No, I just gave him an unfriendly warning. Now before I take you anywhere you want to go I need information. What you saw happen between Draco and Elvira.”

Torri agreed only if they could be away from here. Estevan drove about for about half an hour and stopped at this park. 

Torri got out and took in the fresh air and smiled then turned and said, “When Elvira attacked me I was so scared but this wonderful guy came out of nowhere and saved me, yes I am talking about Draco. They struggled for a few minutes but Elvira had a cut on her arm and there was a trickle of blood. Draco cut himself while they were fighting. That’s all I know but she did have an evil smile on her face. Why do you need to know this?”
Estevan looked at Daphne not sure what to say. 

Daphne turned to Torri and said softly, “There is no easy way to say this and you may not care and I would totally understand but Draco is in hospital fighting for his life. You see you’ve just confirmed what we needed to know that Elvira had taken possession of Draco. Meaning the stronger she became the nastier and weaker he became.”
Torri looked at Daphne and replied, “Your right part of me doesn’t give a damn but the part that still loves him does. However at this moment I don’t want to see him. If you don’t mind can you drop me back to my house in town?”


  1. I'm hoping that guy really wasn't Torri's Uncle because that is really awful to sell your niece into being a sex toy. Plus this guy is the one who turned Blair. I almost hope he shows up again so that Blair can dispose of him. Is that a bad thing to wish for?
    I hope Torri changes her mind about Draco because deep down I think he really loves her and would never have done all the awful things if Elvira wasn't there controlling him.

    1. DandyLion240,

      He is Torri's uncle unfortunately and yes he was the one who turned Blair into a vampire. You want Blair to dispose of him, no thats not a bad thing lol. Torri is confused right now and I think you are right that he would never have done those thing to her if it wasnt for Elvira.

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Whatttttt!!!!! Torri is an idiot. They just told her why Draco acted as he did, he was dying, and she can only say take me to my place? Ugh. Draco, when/if he recovers, can get someone much much better than her. She should be running to his side. Mad mad mad at Torri right now.

    Rather interesting, and surprising, that Estevan let that Uncle live. He may not think that choice was the best later on.

    1. Zhippidy,

      Slow down and take a deep breath. She is mad and confused at/about Draco. When Torri stops and thinks she will go to him, I'm sure of it. I hope she comes out of the dog house soon.

      Estevan wants to kill the uncle but left it alone for now.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. What is wrong with all these people? Especially the uncle! Ugh! That whole scene just made me sick. Poor Torri, everyone seems to want something from her.

    1. Val,

      The uncle is sick, you are right there. I'm glad to see a little sympathy here for Torri.

      Thanks for reading :)

  4. Oh, poor Torri... I hope her Uncle rots in hell. I so hope she wants to go see Draco sooner rather than later, something tells me she's kicking herself for not giving him a chance.

    1. Ivorybutterfly,

      Yes it is poor Torri and the uncle needs to rot in hell with Elvira lol. I hope she goes to see Draco because I think she loves him and would regret it.

      Thanks for reading :)

  5. I hope that uncle of hers leaves her alone.

    1. Mypal,

      Yay you're back :) Yes lets hope he leaves poor Torri alone.

      Thanks for reading :)
