Tuesday, 27 January 2015

6.38 Torri hears the truth

When Torri opened the door to her uncle she just looked at him as he walked inside. 

For a few moments they did not speak but stare at each other when finally Lawrence spoke, “I think the truth is long overdue, don’t you?” Torri just stayed silent as she listened to what her uncle had to say.

“When you were little, I knew how much you loved your Dad so I started to lie to you. I know I was wrong but I was protecting you. As you are probably aware by now long before you were born your Dad ruined my life. He hit Daphne, my fiancee at the time and because she never knew we were twins, she honestly thought it was me and like a fool I let her go. Over the years I fooled myself into thinking your father could change and when he met your mother I thought he had. However the signs were all there that he’d never changed and because I didn’t do what was right back then, when he hit Daphne, your mother lost her life and you were huddled in the corner terrified and scared because you’d seen the whole thing.” 

Lawrence watched as Torri digested the information and then she replied, “Then why can’t I remember?”
“I compelled you to forget, I showed Draco that night because I don’t want you to see it and I know I have not been there for you. I thought by pushing you away that it would be safer than you knowing the truth.” 
Torri had mixed feelings about everything she had been told and yelled, “You treated me like a pawn in your game and when that man stripped me, yes you pulled him off me but you stared at me as if I was a piece of meat and showed me no compassion, yet you expect me to forgive you?” 

Lawrence sat there wondering what to say. Everything she had said to him was right and how could he convince otherwise.
“All I can ask is that you forgive me and I don’t expect the forgiveness straight away because I don’t deserve that. Although you should know that the man I was and I hope to be once more, would be the man you would be proud to call uncle.” 

Torri just stared at her uncle and asked, “Do you really love her?”

Lawrence glanced up at Torri and said, “If we are talking about Daphne then yes I love with all my heart and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. If and when the bond gets fixed you will see the real me. I can however sense that you feel uneasy being around me so I will leave you and hope that when you feel comfortable if ever you will come to me and accept me as your family once more.” 

Lawrence was almost at the door when he turned round and added, “Not all the family fortune disappeared, your inheritance is still intact but going by your mother’s wishes before she died you have to be married. The will was done in secret and your father never knew about it, the only other stipulation in that will, again from your mother was not only were you to be married but be very happy.”
Torri was now in shock and asked, “Can I see the will?” Lawrence wasn’t surprised that Torri didn’t believe him and said, “If you feel you need to see the will then I will not stop you. I am sure Blair has a solicitor that would tell you that the will is genuine.”

“Thank you and I also need to know have you had funeral for Dad?” Lawrence wasn’t surprised by the question and answered calmly, “No I have not had funeral for him, there is a part of me that will always love him after all he was my twin. I just don’t know whether it would be appropriate to have such a thing as a funeral for a man who caused so much pain and anguish not only to others but to his own family.”
Torri looked harshly at her uncle and said firmly, “Maybe I should hate him as well but he was my Dad. How can I not mourn him?” 

Lawrence shook his head and said, “If you want to mourn your Dad's passing then that is up to you, I won’t stop you but I will need to know within the next few days because I’m coming to the conclusion that I should just bury him and let him rot in hell with that bitch.” Torri fidgeted as she looked at the floor and said quietly, “I will let you know by tomorrow what my decision is. Now if you’ll excuse me I have things to do.” Lawrence nodded then turned and walked out the door.

An hour later Draco came over to see how Torri was and he could see how upset the meeting had gone and asked, “Do you want to talk about it?” Torri shook her head and as the tears rolled down her face she finally said, “I know everyone hates my Dad and I understand that but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel, if I mourn him everyone will hate me and if I hate him everyone will like me. What am I supposed to do?” Draco held her not knowing what to say but had an idea who would.

When Blair arrived Torri looked puzzled and asked, “Why is your Dad here?” Draco looked at her sweetly and said, “I know it sounds strange but I think my Dad would be the best person to speak to on this.” Blair wasn’t sure if he could help but he was trying to keep an open mind and asked Torri to explain what was going on. After she had explained the situation about her Dad and Uncle Lawrence she waited to hear what Blair had to say. 

Blair took a deep breath and said calmly, “Everyone does hate your Dad on that part you are right. However you saw him differently to everyone else and no one will blame you for that. I mean to this town when I was a boy everyone thought my Mum was a wonderful person but in reality behind closed doors she wasn’t nice and I wish she had been because maybe we would have had that bond a mother and son should have had. My point being is that if you loved your Dad and you can find it in your heart to forgive him for what he did to your mother then we will respect your wishes wanting to mourn James.” 

Torri thought for a moment and said quietly, “Draco, did Uncle Lawrence really show you what happened to my mother?” Draco looked at the floor and almost in a whisper replied, “I saw the whole thing and all I will tell you is that you looked terrified so in answer to your question yes your father killed your mother and the worst part was after he was done he looked at you with the bloody knife in his hands and laughed. I honestly think after that incident that is when your uncle Lawrence decided to banish your Dad and start pushing you away.” 

Torri broke down and Draco hugged her as the tears kept coming and heard Torri say, “Then my father can rot in hell.”


  1. It's about time Torri learned the truth. She was mourning the wrong person. Her dad wasn't worth it. James and Elvira were sole cause of so much evil and suffering. Blair gave her some good advice and his mother sounds like she was awful. So glad he has Daphne now! I hope James doesn't show up like Elvira did and cause more trouble after he died than he did while he was alive.

    1. DandyLion 240,

      It was way overdue for the truth but at least Tory has had some explanation. Her dad wasn't worth the mourning or the time she had given.
      I have to be honest I'm surprised to play giving such good and sound advice. His mother was not a nice woman by all accounts and I think that is why he loves staff me so much and treats her like his own mother. I doubt James will turn up because he wasn't as strong as Elvira was.

      Thanks for reading :-)

  2. I'm with Torri, her father can rot in hell. Now that she knows the truth she can start healing and leave it all behind her. I still don't like Lawrence though. I get that he tried to make amends, but it doesn't wipe the slate clean in my books, he's been nothing but a jackass to Tori and all the other women I've seen him interact with (other than Daphney of course),

    1. Val,

      yes I did like the way Tory said her dad could rot in hell and I agree with her. I personally still don't know what to make of Lawrence, I know he is trying to make amends but I think if the bond is fixed then we would all see the real man. You will see some of this nice personality when he's around Daphne but you are right you will not see it when he's around other women. But there is more to come on this bond break between him and Daphne later on.

      Thanks for reading :-)

  3. lots of hard information for Torri to think about... she has support and people around her who want her best outcome, so she will do well.

  4. Zhippidy,

    there is a lot of information for Torri to taking but at least like you say she has the support of people who love her and want the best for her.

    Thanks for reading :-)

  5. ~ Poor Torri,she has so much to re-think,& so much of her life was a big lie,yes it was done to protect her,but still comes down to that her life is a lie!
    ~ Now she has to re-asses her life,thank goodness she has good people in her life to turn to,to help her find out who she is,without the lies.

  6. That was neat that it was Blair who helped.
