Thursday 12 January 2012

1.7 Opening Night Part 1

Advisory: Contains some strong language

The last few days had been hectic. The suppliers had been late delivery the alcohol to the club, which didn't help Blair's state of mind. As instructed he had been working alongside Elvira for the past few days and that would drive anyone crazy. Every time the phone rang he would look at the caller ID see it was Heather calling and smile and then he would he hear "We have no time for personal calls, we have to get things ready." with an evil grin upon her face. Blair could feel every muscle tense in his body but he had to hold back at least for now

Just yesterday was one example of Elvira's little game, He managed to answer the phone to Heather, "I'm busy at the new club but I can come over later..." he was then interrupted by Elvira who shouted down the phone, "He's fucking me tonight Heather and remember the past." the line went dead. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, I wouldn't sleep with you." as he tried to edge forward but she knew that look and his temper and backed away quickly.

"Remember we have work to do and remember what the boss said." staring back at him and knowing what he was thinking, "Heather and I are old friends so that's why I said about the past."
"You're lying!" he snarled back.

She circled him ready to strike but instead replied in a cocky manner "PROVE IT!" The urge to attack her was getting stronger, he was about to follow after her to finish this when to phone rang, he ignored it and carried on towards where Elvira was but the phone kept ringing. He took it from his pocket to press the cancel call button when he noticed caller ID "The Boss" calling. He had to answer, he remembered the last time he crossed the boss and was given a fortnight stay in the hospital.

"Hi." trying to be pleasant but he was in no mood for being nice. He listened to what is boss said and then yelled "IT'S NOT YOUR BUSINESS IF I'M SEEING SOMEONE." He looked around and saw Elvira in the doorway he burnt his eyes into hers while still talking on the phone.

"I don't let my love life effect my job." trying to be calmer but all the while not taking his eyes of Elvira. He knew she had made the call to their boss and one way or another he was going to get answers. As he hung up he stayed glued to the spot and snapped at Elvira, "What game are you playing?"

"No games but I will say this be very wary." as she kept eye contact with Blair.

"I've know you too long Elvira, give up the games and tell the truth, can you manage that?" he asked again. Elvira just stared at him but said nothing, this was a dangerous game she was playing but now she was in too deep and there was no way out. For once she wished she had kept her mouth shut.

Tonight was opening night and the boss was due at the club and both Blair and Elvira had agreed to be on their best behaviour. They had been at the club overseeing the last few details for tonight's opening. The staff were told to arrive a couple of hours early to help set up the bar. As the staff looked on at Blair and Elvira chatting, they all thought they got on great. They really put on a good show but underneath the smiles and giggles was a very harsh conversation. "Are you going to tell me what what's going on now, Elvira?"
Giggling back, "No darling, I won't tell you anything."
"If there wasn't anyone around and if the boss wasn't coming I'd kill you." Still smiling at Elvira
"I know but let's not talk about this now. We need to talk with our staff so they know what to do when he arrives."

Blair knew she was right, this was not the time or the place to have this discussion with the boss turning up later to see the club on opening night. They made their way to the bar and got themselves a couple of drinks to steady their nerves.  They chatted with the staff making sure they knew what was expected of them. 

Blair had met the boss so he knew what to expect but Elvira had never met him before. She had only ever spoken on the phone to him and had definitely made her presence know to him. The boss didn't have time for the weak so if you weren't up to the job you expendable. He had taken a liking to Elvira because of her stronger, bold nature and had said so in his conversation to Blair. The only thing he didn't like about her was her eagerness to get people mainly Blair in trouble.

This was partly why he had decided to come to PainsWater Point to see how much truth to Elvira's stories there were. Blair may have crossed him a few times but knew where to draw the line, unfortunately Elvira didn't and all hell was about to break lose.


  1. ~ OK,so that did not tell us much,but it did tell us that Elvira is up to her old tricks & that she is causing problems for Blair,but what that is, is unknown,but at least the Boss,knows this!
    ~ More when you can!(",)

  2. Sorry about that but Part two is coming in about an hour :)

  3. Elvira was witch for yelling that into phone when Blair was talking about Heather. It seems though that Heather's heart is already taken!

    Can't wait to meet the boss!

  4. Elvira I think still has a thing for Blair but can see him falling for Heather and wants her out of the way. The Boss is on his way :)

  5. I can't wait to finally meet the boss. The more I see Elvira, the more I dislike her. I wish she'd just leave Blair alone, they'd work so much better without her mind games.

  6. Elvira games may get Blair into alot of trouble :(

  7. Ugh!!! When does Elvira die?!?! She makes my blood crawl! I pity Blair for having to put up with her!!!

  8. Lol Elvira die if only but who knows :)

  9. Does Elvira eventually die? (please tell me!!!)

    1. MyzKrazyMa,

      Will Elvira die I can't tell you that lol

  10. Ooh the ever elusive boss is going to make an appearance. Cool.

    1. LateKnightSimmer,

      Yes the boss is on his way lol.

      Thanks for reading :)

  11. I'm excited to see this boss and even more excited to see what happens with Elvira and Blair. I wish someone would scare Elvira enough to make her back off...geez. One more chapter and then must. go. to. bed. ;) :)

    1. Lovesstorms,

      You want to see the boss lol and you want to see what happens with Blair and Elvira, keep reading and you will lol.
      Will you go to bed :)

      Thanks for reading :)
