Saturday 2 June 2012

3.2 A Shock Part 1

Teddy walked along the beach thinking about the appointment with the doctor. "No the doctor has it wrong, I'm fine it's not possible." feeling all confused and all over the place. She collapsed on the sand just staring at the sea.

Blair sat beside her, "There you are. I've been worried about you. I tried ringing but you didn't answer." with concern in his tone.
"Sorry the phone was on silent and I must have forgotten to switch the volume back on."
"What did the doctor say?"
"I just have a virus and it will pass. Nothing to worry about."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. Can we go I'm getting cold." Trying to convince herself in what she had just said. Blair helped Teddy up and they walked back home. When Blair opened the door Teddy turned to him and said, "I'd like to be on my own tonight." kissing him and shutting the door behind her leaving Blair outside wondering what he had done.

"You look nice this morning. What's the occasion?" William asked
"I'm just happy."
"We do have the place to ourselves, fancy sharing that happiness?" teasing Heather was a smile.
"Do you ever think of anything else, Will?" returning the smile.
"You just look this morning."
"Unfortunately I have work. So go and take a cold shower." kissing him before leaving.
He shouted after her, "Until tonight then."

Will was late for a meeting with his Dad and Blair at the arcade and knew his Dad would not be impressed.
"What time do you call this William?"
"Sorry I was just..."
"With Heather, I get it but you still have to work."
"Get off my back. Maybe you should find someone Dad?"
"I don't need anyone. So drop it."

"I hate to break this up but are we here to talk business?" Blair blurted out.
Estevan replied "Your right business. The clubs are doing fine but we need to find a new supplier for the drugs coming into the place."
"He got caught?" Blair asked.
"Stupid git got caught alright. doing 15 - 20 years."
"The drugs don't come through the arcade?" Will asked.

"I thought you were teaching him the business?" Blair asked
"I am. Will the drugs don't come through here. As this is one legitimate business with no side line."
"Dad you promise no illegal stuff anymore!"
"I promised no such thing I said no more killing." glancing at Blair.
"Blair what were the figures last week?"
"The two clubs made about $6,000 and the arcade $3,000 in its first week."

Changing the subject Estevan enquired, "Glad to have Teddy back home?"
"I love it. The only thing is, she wanted to be on her own last night. She acted like I'd done something."
"Did you?"
"No. She hasn't been well. She says she's fine but I think she is lying."
Estevan was smiling, "What's wrong with her?"

Blair was looking puzzled at why he was smiling, "She has been sick a couple of times."
"You need to go and see her now."
"Do you know something I don't?"
"I have an idea but it's not my place to tell. My advice is speak to her. I need a word before you go. Will can you give us a minute." 

Will left them to it and then Estevan continued, "Did Teddy really get rid of Elvira?"
"Yes. She is finally gone."
"Good now go and see your girlfriend."

Teddy was staring at the TV when Blair walked in. He turned off the TV and said, "Ok. What is really going on?"
"I'm fine its nothing really."
"Teddy your lying to me the question is why?"

He could see she was nervous, "It'll be fine. I know something happened at that appointment. You can trust me. You can tell me anything."

He tried to hold her but Teddy pulled away from Blair and sat back on the sofa. "I'm waiting. How can I help when you won't tell me  what's wrong."
"It's not that simple." gathering her thoughts, she looked at Blair and said, "This is so difficult. I'm scared you will go nuts. We've never talked about anything in detail. We have just enjoyed the last few months."

"The few months have been wonderful and I don't want things to change."
"See that's just it everything is going to change." trying to tell him.
"No its not we are still together and I'm not going anywhere. Wait you're not breaking up with me?"

"You're not listening Blair. I love you but things are going to change."
"If you're not breaking up with me then what?" sounding confused.

Blair sat there in shock as he heard the words Teddy spoke over and over like an echo, "I'm pregnant."


  1. ~ I guessed, but Blair was clue less,even Estevan knew,I wonder what Blair will do!
    ~ I hope they are not selling the drugs through the arcade,I am worried about Matt,if he can get alcohol so easily through the clubs.........then I am very worried he will try the drugs too!
    ~ "TEDDY BLAIR" Yeah! I love them together!
    ~ And Will being late for work,LOL!At least his dad understands!
    ~ Loved it,but still want more!(",)

    1. Karima,

      Blair was clue less because he has never been in a real relationship before.

      They don't intend to sell the drugs at the arcade because they need a good business for the books.
      Glad you love Teddy Blair :) and yes Will is all loved up :)

      There will be more soon :)

  2. Oh boy. Haha, poor Blair, that was a shock, huh? He looks like the world just fell down around him in that last picture :)

    I liked Estevan's remark about just stopping the killing. *LOL*

    1. Zhippidy,

      Yes Blair has just had the wind knocked out of him I think :)

      Estevan's remark was funny lol

      Thanks for reading

  3. oh dear....well he did ask=b. Poor Blair, honestly I think he will be a decent dad, I hope Teddys up for being a mom, she's been through a lot lately, it's all a lot to take in.

    Wonder why Heather is so happy....maybe the doctor had good news for her? I'm hoping so, she and Will so deserve to be happy and it would certainly be one lucky baby=)....edenz~

    1. Edenz,

      Blair a good dad I hope so. Teddy is still in shock at the moment. Heather is just happy at being with Will, I think. You are right they would make good parent though.

      Thanks for reading :)

  4. She's pregnant! I hope that Blair is just in shock and that he will be happy about it. Teddy is afraid that he won't be happy about it. It's hard to imagine Blair as a Dad, but he probably will be a great one!

    1. Daisies,

      Teddy is in shock herself and so is Blair. I think he will be a good Dad :)

  5. Aw, the ending of this chapter made me all mushy inside. I yayed at the fact that Teddy's pregnant. i can't wait to see Blair's reaction. I loved the opening shot. It was gorgeous!

    1. Val,

      I'm glad you liked the opening shot I thought it was very appropriate. Blair I hope will handle it well :)

      Thanks for reading :)

  6. Uh oh. What's Blair going to do? *runs away to read the next chapter*

    1. LateKnightSimmer,

      LOL@ running to read next one

      Thanks for reading :)
