Tuesday 8 May 2012

2.19 Honesty

Blair could see Starlight Shores in front of him and it wouldn't be long before he found her and bring her home. He asked at a few bars and one head barman told Blair where he could find her. When he got to the house, he was stunned as he looked at the house. He wondered how she could afford this. He saw her in the window at the computer so he knew he had the right place. He knocked the door and waited for Teddy to answer.

When she opened the door she was shocked to see Blair. "Hi, you'd better come in."
Blair and Teddy sat down and she asked, "Blair how did you find me?"
"Does it really matter. I needed to know you were safe and well."
"I am fine as you can see."

"We still need to talk about what happened, Teddy. I don't want you scared of me."
"Umm I'm not scared. It's just what you did...Why?
"He was going to hurt you even more than he already had. After that evening we spent together and remember when you asked if I was single and my answer was I love the single life. Well I lied to you. I hate being single. I started to think about you more and when I came back and saw him..." Blair stopped in mid sentence and looked at Teddy and she replied, "Don't you mean killed me?"
"Ok yes before he killed you. I saw red and killed him. I don't regret it and I won't say I'm sorry. As I told you on the phone he deserved it." Blair went and sat next to her and continued, "Question is can you forgive me?"

Teddy looked at him and said, "The thing is Blair when I saw what happened it looked like this wasn't your first time killing someone. Am I right?"
Blair paused for a moment and answered her question, "No it wasn't my first time. You have to understand when I chose this life, killing was a way of staying alive. Now we have different ways of getting blood so killing isn't an everyday thing anymore."
"You are holding back Blair the truth."
"Have you heard of a vampire Elvira Slayer?"
"No why?"
"Years ago we dated but she was an evil woman. She would make anyone's life a living hell and still does. She crossed the line about six months ago and my boss and I killed her."

Teddy was in shock and pulled away from Blair and locked herself in her room. Blair followed her and his first instinct was to bang on the door but he didn't want to frighten her so he took a deep breath and said through the door, "You wanted the truth Teddy. You now know everything. Please come out of the room."
Teddy opened the door and replied, "Are you going to kill me?"
"What? No. I killed my ex because she was going to hurt others as well as myself and your ex because otherwise you would be dead. You are nothing like Elvira. You are beautiful and great company."
"Do you plan to kill again?"
"No unless there is a need too." She slammed the door in his face.
"Teddy, open the door?"
"No now go away."

"I'm staying here until we sort this out. I'll be across in the other room if you need me." She heard the door shut as he went to the other room. She knew with his strength he could of forced the door open but he didn't and he was honest with her and from what she could tell, it was the first time he'd ever been honest with anyone.

Teddy kept tossing in bed and decided with all the information in her head she needed to think. She got up and made her way to the kitchen and prepared herself some food. As she was cooking Blair came down the stairs.
"Can we talk now?" as he helped tidy the dirty plates.

"I need to think about everything you have told me. It's a lot to take in." Blair left her alone and went back to his room.
In the morning Teddy came out of her room and Blair was on the sofa waiting for her. She sat next to him and said, "I've thought about everything you have told me and I need you to leave. If you care for me and mean me no harm then you will respect my decision."

Blair stared away from her staying silent and Teddy said, "Blair did you hear me?"
"I did. Now I have something to say. I care for you a lot and want you to come home. I know you are in shock and hurt by what I've said but you asked for the truth." 

Teddy got up to leave but Blair couldn't let this drop, he got up and grabbed Teddy and pulled her close to him.

"I know you want me Teddy. You eyes tell me that you want me in your life." She could feel his strength as he held her and she wasn't sure how to respond.
"Blair I need you to leave, please." as she found herself starting to melt in his arms. 

He let her go and started to walk away but turned back towards her kissed her hand and then said, "I will leave but please come home."
Teddy watched Blair leave on his bike as tears ran down her face. 


  1. Oh Teddy, give Blair a break already. I mean he came all the way to find her, that's got to say a lot IMO. I hope they'll find their way back to each other soon. I loved the pictures in this and the exterior of Teddy's house looks awesome!

    1. Val,

      Yeah, it is poor Blair. He is try to put things right and I think by leaving he maybe doing the right thing :)

      I loved the pics in this one too.

  2. Is her real name Theodora? Just curious :)
    Blair was rather humble, a little, in this one. The conversation about Elvira was a little awkward. He better take on a more gentle nature if he wants Teddy to feel safe with him. I think I see some of it, but she seems afraid of him a bit and torn.

    1. Zhippidy,

      Teddy is very torn fighting with her heart and head. Blair is trying to show a different side to his nature as there is more to him than just a killer. Their conversation was awkward but he need to be upfront and honest as his first step to show her he is genuine.

      Thedora her really name lol no. but I liked the comment :)

  3. I think that she just needs more time! She also wants to see if he will respect her wishes and leave as she asked.

    He has to regain her trust and let her see that he is much more than a killer.

    A great update!

    1. Daisies,

      I think you maybe right she needs to take in everything he has told her. She doesn't want him to go but needs him to go to see if he can respect her, something which she has never had.

  4. ...She's gonna go after him right?

    See that's why Blair need a kick-ass girlfriend. One who can put up with his bullshit and whip him back into place when he gets carried away.

    1. Myzkrazyma,

      She doesn't go after him but she wishes she did.

      Blair will be ok you will see :)

  5. I think Teddy may have just screwed up, and if she has, she's got no one to blame but herself. Blair, he can't win, she wanted truth, he gave her truth and she turned him away. I hope he can find someone who can accept him and love him for who and what he is=/...edenz~

    1. Edenz,

      Teddy needs more time I think and I think Blair can see that. Teddy screw up I hope not Blair is not ready to give up just yet. I think he may have just done the right thing :)

      Thanks for reading

  6. ~ At least she listened,it is now up to her if she wants a relationship with Blair,he did not tell her he loves her,but he did save her & tell her the truth,he said he could not stop thinking of her & was worried about her!
    ~ Hopefully that will register with her!
    ~ Loved it, I am so glad that Blair did not give up!Lets hope he can let her think in peace!
    ~ More when you can!Loving it!(",)

    1. Karima,

      She did hear him out. Blair is falling for her and being truthful about everything was a start.
      Glad to see though that Blair is following his heart and hope she goes back to him.

      Thanks for reading :)

  7. Well I didn't expect Teddy to still want him to leave after he was honest with her, and he didn't break the door down when she slammed it the last time. Instead he went to the other room, doesn't he deserve some credit for that? LOL. I guess I can see that she's still scared because of her past. Maybe she just needs to come around on her own, like if she's away from Blair for a while, it'll give her a chance to miss him or something.

  8. LateKnightSimmer,

    Teddy is still scared but now she knows the truth. He could have slammed the door down by he wants to show Teddy respect. Teddy needs time to come to terms with everything. They say the heart grows fonder when you are apart. Maybe this is what they need.

    Thanks for reading :)
