Tuesday 21 August 2012

3.15 Granger Baby

It seemed over night Heather finally looked and felt more pregnant. Will was just as excited as Heather to be expecting. At the last appointment the doctor did ask if they wanted to know the sex of the baby but they declined to know as they wanted it to be a surprise.

Heather needed to have some time to herself so booked an appointment at the local spa for a massage. The only thing she hated about being pregnant was a sore back. William decided to keep the meeting about Blake and Sam a secret as he wanted Heather to get through the pregnancy with no stress. He didn't want to but felt he had no choice.

Estevan couldn't stay at his home without wanting to explode and he couldn't stay at William's without Heather asking questions. The business trip was now on hold until the issue with Blake and Sam was sorted. He went to see Dawn. She wasn't expecting to see him when she opened the door. Suddenly Dawn threw herself into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. 

He walked with ease into the apartment with Dawn still holding on tight closing the door behind him. It took all his will power to stop himself from taking things further but he needed to talk to her. When she finally let go she asked, "I thought you were go away?"
"I was but an emergency came up. I need to ask you something. Would you mind me staying here for awhile?"
Dawn couldn't believe it he finally wants to stay and almost said in a girlish manner, "I don't mind." Estevan seeing her excitement and what she thought was going to happen answered, "I know you have only one room but I can sleep on the sofa."

Dawn was shocked, here was her chance and he was denying her. He took her to the sofa and said softly, "I am crazy about you but until we know how we feel I'd rather not share the same bed. When it happens, you'll never get rid of me and waking up with you is where I'll want to stay."
Dawn wiping her tears away replied, "You really like me? Why can't you stay at home?"
"I do like you a lot. I found out Sam is cheating on Blake and I'm so angry I just can't stay there."
"Does Blake know?"
"He does know about the affair. Why did she cheat on him?" Estevan demanded.
"It's just what people do sometimes."

Raising his voice he stated, "She gave herself to another man while still with my son, it's not right."
"I know your upset but what can you do?"

Before he could answer his phone rang it was Will he was in a state, "Will calm down what's wrong?" While he listened he calmly said, "I'll be there now."
"What's wrong?"
"It's Heather she went into premature labour the baby is on its way. Will is panicking and wants me there."
"I'll come with you."

"Dawn, you don't have too and sorry about before I'm just angry with..."
"I know why you are angry, Blake is your son and you want to protect him. We can talk more later but we need to get going or you will miss your grandchild being born."
When they got to the hospital, they were informed that Heather had left with a healthy baby but she refused to stay overnight for observation and they let her and the baby go. Estevan arrived at the house and made his way to the living room where he found Will and Heather with his first grandchild.
"What did you have?"

"Dad we had a boy. Would you like to hold him?"
Estevan just smiled as Will gave his son to his father. "What's his name?"
"We named him Art." Heather voiced.

While Dawn congratulated Will and Heather, Estevan spoke to Art. "You are so handsome. I bet you are going to break hearts when you are older. You look just like your Daddy when he was this age. We are going to have so much fun."

Then he asked Dawn if she would like to hold Art, "I don't know. Babies don't like me."
Heather said, "Its ok." Dawn reluctantly took Art in her arms, as she held him, Art gurgled and made Dawn snuggle him. Then William said, "You look good with a baby." Dawn went bright red and handed Art to his Dad.

"Here he is but I'm not the mother type. I wouldn't know what to do." Estevan was busy talking to Heather ignoring the conversation as he could see Dawn was uncomfortable by the talk. 


  1. I thought Art would be in hospital longer since his birth was premature? Regardless, I'm glad he seems okay and everyone is already doting on him.
    Estevan must just give Dawn what she wants. And we all know what she wants!

    1. Val,

      Heather didn't want to stay but yeah Art is fine.

      Estevan give her what she wants, I know he should but fingers crossed it will work out soon.

      Thanks for Reading :)

  2. I thought I commented :( phooey if it ate it and didn't even thank me....

    I was surprised that Heather had a premature delivery. Maybe it's all of the vampire blood, less than a normal human pregnancy :) I am glad Mom & Baby are fine.
    Estevan is really being callous, in a way, we know what he thinks, but he really is being sort of push-off'ish toward Dawn and he knows what she wants from him. I guess I can understand that he wants to make 100% certain she knows what she wants from her heart and not just her libido. That's a lot of wanting!

    1. Zhippidy,

      I'm glad Mum and Baby are ok too :)

      Estevan is just being sure its the right thing for both of them but they do both want each other.

      Thanks for reading :)

  3. I'm surprised they allowed Art to go home. I suppose a possibility could be that he wasn't as premature as they thought.

    Dawn is very sensitive when it comes to Estevan. I'm proud of Estevan waiting to make sure everything will really work out for both of them before he makes any kind of permanent choice (and I assume acquiring a lover is a permanent choice/feeling for a vampire). He doesn't need to rush in. I like his old-fashioned style. It's so perfect for a vampire.

    Lol at Dawn with the baby! I could literally SEE her blushing in my mind's eye. :)

    1. Mypalmsim1,

      Art came home because Heather didn't want to stay in hospital but at least he's ok.

      Estevan is trying to do the right thing by Dawn and yes being a vampire a lover is a permanent choice for him by I agree I love his old fashioned views.

      Thanks for reading :)

  4. LOL I'm with Dawn on that babies don't like me thing. I'm scared to death of babies, especially if they;re under the age of 5 months, I could run screaming out of a room. I haven't held my niece yet...she's three months old now...still not holdable for another 3 months lol.

    1. Pixx,

      I feel for Dawn, I think she is starting to feel the pressure. I say hope that niece because they are one small once.

      Thanks for reading :)

  5. What a beautiful baby. With his parents I knew he would be.

    Dawn can be sure that if things progress between her and Estevan, he will never cheat on her! She did look good holding the baby!

  6. I'm happy Heather's okay even though she had a premature labor. Whoa Dawn! Hahaha, that was quite the way to say hi to Estevan. Hot! LOL.
